Watermelon salad is the most popular street food in India during summer. U can find people selling this salad in carts outside the schools & parks all over India. Its a very simple recipe yet I wanted to blog it. In Tamil nadu, this salad is usually served in a disposable bowl with a tooth pick. In Bangalore, I have seen some vendors serving in a small banana leaf in a more authentic way. Its a very simple but very tasty recipe with two toppings. One with salt and pepper and the other one with Chaat masala.

Recently I tasted this salad in a marriage banquet. Its taste and the simplicity of this recipe tempted me to blog it. U can make this salad for parties and get together too. Its too easy to make and the best body coolant for summer. As I mentioned in my watermelon juice post, it is always good to consume a fruit as it is without losing its fiber. So lets have this easy, Indian style watermelon salad recipe to beat this summer heat!. U can also add few pieces of cucumber to make it colorful & healthy. Sure, U will feel energetic and refreshing in this hot season.

Easy watermelon salad recipe

Easy watermelon salad recipe Easy watermelon salad – Indian style recipe for summer

Cuisine: Indian
Category: Salad
Serves: Serves 2
Prep time: 10 Minutes
Cook time: 3 Minutes
Total time: 13 Minutes


  • Watermelon – 1/2 no
  • Salt – As needed
  • Pepper powder – as needed OR Chaat masala – as needed

  • Wash and chop the watermelon. Remove the seeds. Cut into small cubes.
  • Sprinkle salt & pepper powder or chaat masala or mix everything as per your taste. Add little lemon juice if you like.
  • Enjoy eating immediately !!

Check out my easy salad recipe for kids birthday parties if interested !!

Yummy,easy salad recipe – Kids would love it too !

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  1. My school days- that s where you took me to with this post Chitra. Yes, some recipes are timeless inspite of them being very simple. The salad is indeed a welcome treat in this heat

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