

Eggless pressure cooker cake

I tried this cake from an old cookbook. I wanted to post an eggless chocolate cake in my blog but i couldn’t do it. Now i am so happy i did a cake in pressure cooker which is very easy for beginners and for people who don’t own a oven. I just followed the recipe i noted in my cookbook and the result was soft , moist & delicious tasting chocolate cake. 

I have not used oil/butter/ ghee in this recipe. But i used fresh cream & curd to bring the softness. Do try this cake. You’ll get it perfect for sure.You can also try this recipe in microwave oven ( use convection mode @ 180c) . This cake is apt for beginners.Kids would love this cake !!

Eggless pressure cooker cake

Eggless chocolate cake in pressure cooker

Eggless chocolate cake in pressure cooker How to make Eggless chocolate cake in pressure cooker

Cuisine: Indian
Category: Cake
Serves: 10 pieces
Prep time: 10 Minutes
Cook time: 20 Minutes
Total time: 30 Minutes

1 cup – 250ml


  • All purpose flour/ Maida – 1 cup
  • Baking powder – 3/4 tsp
  • Cooking soda – 1/2 tsp
  • Cocoa powder – 1.5 tbsp
  • Salt –A pinch


  • Sugar – 1/2 cup
  • Fresh cream – 1/2 cup
  • Thick Curd – 1/3 cup
  • Milk – 1/4 cup
  • Vanilla essence – 1/2 tsp

  • Mix all the ingredients mentioned under Part – 1.Set aside.


  • Powder the sugar nicely and add the other wet ingredients like curd , fresh cream & vanilla essence in the mixer and pulse in once or twice in low speed.All the ingredients will be mixed well.
  • In a separate bowl take the wet ingredients and add the dry ingredients (PART-I) . mix well in the same direction. The consistency of batter should fall like a thick ribbon.If not add little more milk and mix well. Make sure consistency should be right.
  • Now cover the bottom & sides of the vessel ( i used my aluminum baking pan) with a butter paper and pour the cake mixture into it. Pat it in the bottom of vessel for even spreading.U should fill the batter till half of the vessel because the cake will rise while it cooks..Again cover the top of the vessel with another butter paper tightly o avoid the vapour that goes inside the cake.
  • Then take a big pressure cooker and add water in the base.Keep a plate inside( just as a stand for the vessel in which u bake ,i used mini idli plate here ). Now keep the vessel over the plate. If you are adding water ( if using salt,refer notes section),please add water till half of the size of vessel. If u add more water , the extra water may go into the vessel & the cake mixture will become watery.


  • Do not put the weight valve , keep the flame high and allow the water boil till the full steam comes. Once the full pressure is reached , simmer the flame completely and allow it to cook for 20 minutes exactly without putting weight valve.During this time , steam will be coming out in low pressure. After 20 minutes switch off the flame & give a standing time till all the steam is released completely by itself. Please do not open till that time. It takes maximum of 20 minutes for all the steam to go by itself.
  • Remove the vessel from the cooker and insert a knife or spoon. If it comes out clean ,your cake is done. Cut into pieces & enjoy !!


Enjoy !
Note : You can bake the cake in a cooker by adding salt.For that,you should spread powdered salt in the base of cooker for 2 inches.Use 1/2 kg of salt.Then place the cooker plate and close the cooker by removing the gasket and weight valve.First preheat the cooker in high flame for 5 minutes.Then place the baking pan with cake mixture and cook in  low flame for 20-30 minutes.Check with the back of spoon and remove after the steam is released.

Eggless chocolate cake

  1. Akila Avatar

    Wow… This is definitely a great recipe… Wanna grab the whole cake… Looks so soft and moisture…

  2. Unknown Avatar

    yummy chocolate cake

  3. meena Avatar

    if u have a vanilla version do share pls.this looks so good.

    1. Chitra Avatar

      Just try the same recipe without adding cocoa powder. I hope it will taste good. I will try soon & post here .. Thank u meena 🙂

  4. Gajus kitchen Avatar
    Gajus kitchen

    Cake looks delicious. The fact that you have used cream and curd instead of butter/oil and making it in a pressure cooker makes it more interesting

  5. AparnaRajeshkumar Avatar

    I tasted the chocolate cake long time back 🙂 now its tempting 🙂 good definetly it will help for beginners as well as who do not own OTG or microwave !

  6. Unknown Avatar

    Good post..

  7. Motions and Emotions Avatar
    Motions and Emotions

    I love cooker cakes…I will try this one

  8. great-secret-of-life Avatar

    looks so chocolaty.. yummy

  9. Shama Nagarajan Avatar
    Shama Nagarajan

    yummy and inviting recipe…

  10. divya Avatar

    looks simply awesome! Wonderfully prepared.

  11. GEETHA ACHAL Avatar

    Loved the pressure cooker version….Beautiful pics…

  12. Lifewithspices Avatar

    love this one.

  13. Divya Shivaraman Avatar
    Divya Shivaraman

    the cake is perfectly done dear

  14. Unknown Avatar

    wow those decoration on the cake looks perfect and elegant….
    Anu's Healthy Kitchen – Broken Wheat, Oats, Almonds and Coconut Ladoo

  15. Vimitha Durai Avatar
    Vimitha Durai

    Soft and yummy cake

  16. Swathi Avatar

    Delicious cake, I admire that you made with pressure cooker.

  17. Unknown Avatar

    cake looks so inviting..beautifully made with pressure cooker

  18. Shobha Kamath Avatar
    Shobha Kamath

    The cake looks gorgeous!

  19. Jeyashris Kitchen Avatar
    Jeyashris Kitchen

    An useful post for people who don't use baking oven. Cute clicks

  20. Priya Suresh Avatar
    Priya Suresh

    Prefect and very gorgeous cake, very useful post for many of us.

  21. cookingwithsapana Avatar

    Wow ! Chocolate cake looks so yummy and in pressure cooker it's a gift for us. Once I tried a cake in cooker but didn't go well . Now I can do so!

  22. Shree Avatar

    great post. Have been postponing the cake making using a pressure cooker. must do soon.

  23. Mahi Avatar

    Cake looks attractive with those candy pearls!

  24. Priya Anandakumar Avatar
    Priya Anandakumar

    Hi Chitra, this is my first time to your blog. You have a great blog with wonderful collection of recipes. The cake looks super delicious, fluffy and soft. You have explained it so nicely. Very good clicks. I have bookmarked this cake…
    I am happily following you.

  25. Unknown Avatar

    Nai.. Mam m asking fr d same orange cake recipe .. To bake it in cooker or pan

  26. Chitra Avatar

    Hi deepali,i can understand wat u r asking.Pls follow the cooker procedure mentioned in this recipe.But use orange cake batter in the pan and bake it 🙂 Hope i have cleared ur doubt now 🙂

  27. Unknown Avatar

    can i do it without putting water in cooker n put d baking vessel n removing whitsle n cover the cooker n heat it till 30 -40 mins

    1. Chitra Avatar

      Yes you can do it

  28. Neela Avatar

    Instead of b.pwder and soda can we add eno salt chitra?

  29. Chitra Avatar

    Hi Neela,Instead of soda u can add ENO.But baking powder should be used.

  30. Unknown Avatar

    I m happy to see cakes can be made like this, it will help me to initiate the same process in my kitchen, cakes also look fabulously delicious amd will give it a try to bake cake at home this way...

  31. Ayusha Avatar

    Chocolate cake in pressure cooker, is it really true, i followed your way and really it worked, thanks for sharing such nice chocolate cake here...

    1. Chitra Avatar

      Happy to know. Thanks for the feedback 🙂

  32. Unknown Avatar

    Hi Chitra,
    Can u suggest what can be used instead of fresh cream?

    1. Chitra Avatar

      Sorry, I am not sure. Please refer my other eggless cake recipes where fresh cream is not used.

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