Eggless Digestive Cookies Recipe – Whole Wheat,Oats Cookies Without Butter



eggless digestive biscuits

We buy digestive biscuits regularly even though its costly.Every time I used to see the list of ingredients on the back of pack to try on my own.And I kept searching some good recipes for homemade digestive biscuits aka whole wheat,oats cookies. In Raksha’s school, this year they have strictly restricted store bought cakes, cookies and packed juices for snacks box. Only homemade digestive cookies are allowed. Finally time hath come to try my hands on itWinking.I followed this recipe & I baked an eggless, butter less digestive cookies using whole wheat flour, quick cooking oats and plain milk.For Vegan version, use almond milk instead. Actual recipe had butter in it. But I substituted butter with cooking oil and tried it today.You can call this as oats cookies too.It came out very well, perfect with a crunchy texture. We loved it very much & ate 2-3 cookies without any guiltLove Struck. Its so easy to make and a good tea time cookies for weight watchers.For kids, you can use butter, add some Choco chips, M&M etc for variations. After tasting these cookies, Raksha told its taste is similar to UNIBIC digestive biscuitsHappy . I felt very happy and proud with my baking Dancing.Friends, do try this easy, simple oats cookies without eggs and butter at home & enjoy it for your tea time with your loved ones. Even beginners can dare to try it. Ok, lets move on to the recipe !

Eggless oats cookies

Eggless digestive cookies recipe

Eggless digestive cookies recipe Eggless, butter less digestive cookies with oats, wheat flour & brown sugar.

Cuisine: Indian
Category: Cookies recipes
Serves: 15 nos
Prep time: 10 Minutes
Cook time: 17 Minutes
Total time: 27 Minutes


1 cup – 200ml

  • Wheat flour – 3/4 cup
  • Quick cooking oats – 3/4 cup
  • Brown sugar or Demerara sugar – 1/2 cup (+ 2 tbsp, optional)
  • Odorless Cooking oil or unsalted butter – 1/3 cup  ( Use 60gms of butter at room temperature)
  • Boiled & cooled milk – 2 tbsp  ( Vegans use almond milk)
  • Baking soda – 1/2 tsp
  • Vanilla essence – 1 tsp ( completely optional)

  • In a mixie jar, take the oats and demerara sugar.Grind to a smooth powder. If using brown sugar, grind oats alone. I used 2 tbsp more demerara sugar.  If using brown sugar or white sugar, use 1/2 cup only.
Eggless oats cookies
  • Take the ground oats+sugar, wheat flour and baking soda in a wide bowl. Mix well. Make a dent in the center and add 1/4 cup of cooking oil. ( If  using butter,  mix the unsalted butter at room temperature). Mix well and try to make a crumbly dough. Add milk and make a smooth dough.
Eggless oats cookies
Eggless oats cookies
  • If you feel the dough is too dry and not becoming a whole mass, add some more oil ( may be 1-2 tbsp) and make it thick, non-sticky and smooth.No problem if there are mild cracks in the dough. Suppose If you have added more milk or oil and dough is too wet and sticky, add some wheat flour and bring it to right consistency. Hence adjust the quantity of oil based on the wheat flour and ground oats texture. Never add milk more than 2 tbsp because it makes the cookie sticky, will crack & takes long time to cook as well. So be careful while making the dough.
  • After you make the dough, keep it inside the polythene cover or foil and refrigerate the dough for 15 minutes. By doing this way, dough will stiffen and becomes easy to roll and handle.
Eggless oats cookies
  • Take a portion of dough and roll it tight to 1/4 inch thickness. Make shapes using a mould or the lid of a bottle. Grease a baking tray or line it with butter paper. Its better to line the tray with butter paper so that it will be easy to remove the cookies from the tray after baking.
Eggless oats cookies
Eggless oats cookies
  • Arrange the cookies on the tray leaving enough space because these cookies will flatten & expand while baking. Preheat the oven at 180 c and bake the cookies for 15-18 minutes in convection mode. Mine got done in 17 minutes.Cookies will turn golden brown in color. Initially the cookies would be soft to touch immediately after baking but it hardens and becomes crispy as it cools down. Cookies will easily come off  from the tray.So remove the tray from the oven and keep it outside for 15 minutes or till it cools down. Serve it with coffee or tea. Store in an air tight box immediately after the cookies cool down. It will become soggy if kept in air for long time. Enjoy with tea/coffee !
Eggless oats cookies

  • Adjust the quantity of oil based on the flours.
  • Adding baking soda helps to get a crispy cookies.So do not avoid it.
  • Do not add more milk for making the dough. Make sure dough is non sticky. if sticky, add some wheat flour and bring it to a non sticky dough.

eggless digestive biscuits

Enjoy this healthy, crispy, eggless, butter less oats cookies @ Digestive cookies for your teatime !!

eggless digestive biscuits

28 responses to “Eggless Digestive Cookies Recipe – Whole Wheat,Oats Cookies Without Butter”
  1. Selvarani Ganesan Avatar
    Selvarani Ganesan

    Easy and very healthy cookies.Gng to try this for sure.

    1. Chitra Avatar

      Thanks Selvarani. Try n share your feedback 🙂

  2. Unknown Avatar

    Same pinch Chitra..I have posted digestive biscuit recipe in my blog but with different ingredients …your version looks the addition of oats…

    1. Chitra Avatar

      Thanks dear. Will check your version too 🙂

  3. Kurinji Avatar


    1. Chitra Avatar

      Thanks Kurinji 🙂

  4. great-secret-of-life Avatar

    super crisp cookies

  5. Sharmila kingsly Avatar
    Sharmila kingsly

    This looks delicious Chitra 🙂

    1. Chitra Avatar

      Thank you 🙂

  6. Devi Ramachandran Avatar
    Devi Ramachandran

    Yummy crispy cookies all your recipies.I find lot of dedication in your each post.will try these cookies sometime. Which OTG (brand) do u use??

    1. Chitra Avatar

      Thank you for your sweet words.I use samsung convection oven.its not an otg.

  7. Suja Manoj Avatar
    Suja Manoj

    Crispy healthy cookies

    1. Chitra Avatar

      Thank you Suja 😊

  8. Unknown Avatar

    Priya (
    Even in my kids school they have banned junk food,will try soon.

    1. Chitra Avatar

      Yes, its followed in many schools this year 🙂

  9. Unknown Avatar

    looks perfect and better than store bought ones.keep going

    1. Chitra Avatar

      Thanks dear 🙂

  10. Anonymous Avatar

    Hey Chitra! This is so good. One cannot do without cookies! We need to have it as snacks every now and then. But buying those digestive cookies really gets expensive. This will be so useful. Home made is always the best and most reliable. :)Also, the satisfaction that comes with cooking for your family is unlike anything else. :')

    1. Chitra Avatar

      Yeah, you are right Pravzz. Do try this cookie 🙂 You will love it.

  11. Unknown Avatar

    I dont hV otg at home. Plz share some alternate method for those who dont have oven at home.

    1. Chitra Avatar

      You can try to bake in cooker. But I am not sure about the procedure and timings. I will learn and share a post. Thanks

  12. Padma Avatar

    Delicious it possible to replace oil with anything else to make it more healthier….

    1. Chitra Avatar

      Yes, u can use butter.

  13. qwerty Avatar

    Can I replace sugar with honey? If yes how much quantity shudder I use?

    1. Chitra Avatar

      yes u can try it. Add 1/3 cup, check for sweetness. Add more if needed. Do update the results if u try.Thanks !

  14. amazing santro Avatar
    amazing santro

    This is the thing I have been searching for long. Eggless and butterless oats cookies!! Can't wait to try baking them��. Thanks for such an easy and healthy recipe��.. Keep baking!!

  15. Bob Avatar

    Can I use jaggery instead of brown sugar?

    1. Chitra Avatar

      Yes you can try

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