Sprouts are nothing but germinated seeds that are high in nutrition. Some of the edible sprouts are alfalfa, broccoli, mung bean, green peas, chana and radish sprouts. Making sprouts at home is so easy. I make moong bean sprouts also known as green gram sprouts regularly for making sprouts salad for his lunch box, sprouted green gram kurma for roti and sometimes sprouts chaat in weekends. But I never thought of making a separate post for this until few of my readers asked me to make a detailed post on how to make sprouts at home.
As we all know, sprouting a legume increases its nutritional value. Sprouts are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. Sprouts are more helpful for weight loss by keeping the tummy full for long time. It is always better to consume homemade sprouts than the store bought ones as its more healthy, fresh and hygienic. Tomorrow I will share a simple moong sprouts salad that aids in weight loss. Before that we will see how to make sprouts at home easily in simple steps. Lets see how to make green gram sprouts with step by step pics.
How to make sprouts at home
How to make green gram sprouts at home easily
Health food
2 cups
20 Minutes
20 Minutes
40 Minutes
1 cup = 250ml
- Wash the green gram and soak overnight in enough water.
- The next morning drain the soaked water completely.
- Take the soaked green gram in a clean cotton cloth.
- Tie it and set aside for a day to two.
- Green gram would germinate and gets sprouted. Store this in a box inside refrigerator.
- Consume it within 2 to 3 days. You can make salad, gravy, rice and chaat with sprouts.
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