Easy Salad Recipe For Kids – Salad For Birthday Party



salad recipe for kids

Yesterday we went to Raksha’s friend birthday party. I’ll post that party menu recipes this weekend. I tasted this salad there. It was a very simple recipe but very tasty. Raksha doesn’t like to eat pomegranate but she loves sweet corn very much. As that salad had more sweet corn, she had it without complaining anything. It was so colourfully done to attract the kids. All the kids liked it very much. Not only kids, we too liked it a lot. It tasted very similar to Karnataka kosambari.

Today I prepared the same at home and I have planned to give her a bowl of salad after she comes from the school. We had it along with our lunch. Friends, do try this colourful salad and give it to your kids. This can be prepared well in advance.U can even pack for their lunch box along with some variety rice. It would be healthy and filling too 🙂

Easy salad recipe

Easy salad recipe Easy salad recipe for kids.Even ur kids can make it for themselves 🙂

Cuisine: Indian Category: Salad Yields: 1 cup
Prep Time: 10 Minutes Cook Time: 2 Minutes Total Time: 12 Minutes

1 cup – 250ml

For mixing

  • Pomegranate – 1/4 cup
  • Sweet corn kernels – 1/3-1/2 cup
  • Grated coconut – 1-2 tbsp
  • Cucumber – 1 tbsp (Optional)
  • Coriander leaves – 2tsp
  • Pepper powder – 1/2 tsp (optional)
  • Salt – as needed
  • Lemon juice – few drops (optional)

  • Pressure cook the sweet corn and remove the kernels (Click here to see the easy removal of kernels). Finely chop the cucumber, coriander leaves. Grate the coconut using a peeler so that it looks like long strands as you see in the picture.  
  • In a wide bowl, add all the ingredients. Mix well, add salt and lemon juice if desired.
  • If you are planning to try this for parties, cook the corn and remove the kernels, take out the pomegranate seeds and chop the cucumber on the previous day itself. 
  • Refrigerate everything separately in an air tight box. On the day of party, just two hours before, take everything out of the fridge and mix well, add salt and freshly grated coconut. Nowadays we can store the grated coconut in a ziplock bag and freeze it. Bring it to room temperature and mix it with the salad. Add lime juice if desired and set aside. By the time you serve, it would be good to taste.
  • For variations, you can also add grated carrots. Adding grated coconut gives a nice taste. Skip if your kid don’t like it.
  • Do not add pepper powder if you make for kids.
  • Adding lemon juice is completely optional. I din’t use it. 
  • U can also add a tsp of olive oil to make it more healthy.

18 responses to “Easy Salad Recipe For Kids – Salad For Birthday Party”
  1. Menaga Sathia Avatar
    Menaga Sathia

    Colourful n healthy salad!!

  2. Rafeeda AR Avatar
    Rafeeda AR

    colorful salad… anybody would love to eat that…

  3. AparnaRajeshkumar Avatar

    ver colourful and i am a salad person name it salad i will grab and eat the whole plate.

  4. Nargis Aara Avatar
    Nargis Aara

    This is indeed very healthy and delicious Salad!! Thanks for sharing this yummy treat

  5. Laxmipriya Avatar

    colorful.. even adults wd love this for sure.. 🙂

    Eat Vegetables Stay Healthy event w Giveaway

  6. great-secret-of-life Avatar

    so easy and colorful salad

  7. Unknown Avatar

    Colorful salad

  8. Sangeetha M Avatar
    Sangeetha M

    that's one colorful, healthy & yummy salad…

  9. Gajus kitchen Avatar
    Gajus kitchen

    yummy..can have a bowl of this salad any time

  10. Vanamala Hebbar Avatar
    Vanamala Hebbar

    Nice colorful I too make similar one

  11. divyagcp Avatar

    Easy to make, healthy and colorful salad.. Not just kids, even I can have it anytime..

  12. Amina Creations Avatar
    Amina Creations

    healthy and colourful salad…. thanks for sharing…

  13. TDT World India Avatar
    TDT World India

    I always prefer spicy salad concept It's not for kids actually but presented salad for everyone.
    pinwheel salad recipe

    1. Chitra Avatar

      Thanks for dropping here.U can make this one spicy by adding pepper powder 🙂 I saw ur pinwheel salad.Tat's an yummy combo ! Will try sometime.

  14. Shama Nagarajan Avatar
    Shama Nagarajan

    healthy salad

  15. Priya Avatar

    This salad looks lovely and colorful .Love ur clicks too.


  16. Unknown Avatar

    Very healthy option, but most kids don't eat salad. Nice presentation and photos too.

  17. Unknown Avatar

    very nice salad…iam preparing it for my kids birthday party……

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