

Vanilla mug cake recipe

Its been a long time I shared an eggless mug cake recipe in microwave. After trying some one minute & 5 minute cake successfully, Iam much more comfortable & confident in trying out recipes like this. Its my long time wish to try out one minute vanilla cake as it is my most favourite flavour. I have been searching for the same and I finally found it here. It came out super soft and spongy with a lovely vanilla flavor. Try this easy cake recipe for your kids during this summer vacation. It is going to be an instant hit in your family. Let me know your feedback ! 

Note: You should consume the cake immediately after baking because the bottom of cake may turn slightly chewy due to the heat of the bowl. So please keep this in mind.

Eggless vanilla mug cake recipe

1 Minute Vanilla Mug Cake Recipe

1 Minute Vanilla Mug Cake Recipe 1 Minute Vanilla Mug Cake Recipe – Easy,Instant & tastes delish !

Cuisine: Indian
Category: Cakes
Serves: Serves 1
Prep time: 5 Minutes
Cook time: 1 Minute
Total time: 6 Minutes


  • All purpose flour/Maida – 2 tbsp
  • Sugar – 1.5 tbsp
  • Cooking oil – 3/4 tbsp  (any odourless oil, I used sunflower oil)
  • Milk – 2 tbsp
  • Baking powder-1/4 tsp
  • Vanilla essence- 1/4 tsp ( Increase based on your taste)
  • Salt – a small pinch

  • In a bowl,take maida,sugar,baking powder and salt. Mix well. To this add the wet ingredients like Milk, oil and vanilla essence. Mix well without lumps and make sure sugar is melted. The batter will fall like a ribbon. It is the right consistency of batter.
Vanilla mug cake
  • Now pour the batter into a microwave safe bowl. I used a porcelain/ceramic mug. The size of mug should be at least double the size of batter. Microwave it in high power ( 800w) for 1 minute. Adjust the timings based on the power of your microwave.The batter will rise till the brim and again goes in. So don’t scare. It won’t spill.
Vanilla mug cake
  • Check with a tooth pick. If it comes out clean or with little crumbs, cake is done. If you find wet batter in the tooth pick, bake it for 10-15 seconds more. 
  • Serve it warm and enjoy !

Note : You should consume the cake immediately after baking else the bottom of cake may turn slightly chewy due to the heat of the mug. If you don’t want to consume immediately, transfer the cake to another bowl and use it later.


  • Make sure sugar is melted completely before you bake. So mix well for 2-3 minutes.
  • U can use powdered sugar but I am not sure with measurements.
  • U should consume the cake immediately to enjoy its best taste.
Eggless vanilla mug cake recipe

Try this instant, one minute vanilla mug cake. Treat your kids and loved ones. 
Eggless vanilla mug cake

  1. great-secret-of-life Avatar

    perfect! quick! suitable for holiday snack

  2. Unknown Avatar

    Wow the texture is so perfect. .

    Delicious and quick one..

  3. Priya Avatar

    Thats a quick treat..Soft and spongy.

  4. Suja Manoj Avatar
    Suja Manoj

    Spongy and super yumm mug cake

  5. nandoos kitchen Avatar
    nandoos kitchen

    looks perfect and soft..

  6. Unknown Avatar

    nice recipe!!

  7. Unknown Avatar

    What can I replace the oil with?

    1. Chitra Avatar

      U can use melted butter instead

  8. Kalyani Sakhare Avatar
    Kalyani Sakhare

    Is any specific mode of microwave is used… Or just put on the way we heat the food??

    1. Chitra Avatar

      No, usual microwave mode used for reheating

  9. Amrithaa Avatar

    i tried this today, and used normal wheat flour instead of maida, and it came out like halwa. The usual baking action, formation of gluten fibre, and rising never happened. Used fresh baking powder. What's wrong?

    1. Chitra Avatar

      Sorry, I am not sure.Must be problem with baking powder or uneven heating inside oven.Try baking for some more time.

  10. Luna Marcy Avatar
    Luna Marcy

    Can I not use vanilla essence?

    1. Chitra Avatar

      You should use. Its mentioned in ingredients..

  11. Unknown Avatar

    Ver very Veryyy nice recipe Thankyou so muchhhhh.

  12. Geetha Ravi Avatar
    Geetha Ravi

    Tried today.. ultimate.. thanks much

  13. Ramya K Avatar
    Ramya K

    Awesome 😎 came out really well. Yummy 😋. Very happy

  14. Chitra Avatar

    Thank you Ramya for your wonderful feedback 🙂

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