Dear Blogger friends,
I am very happy to share this online blog editing tool, BLOG EDITOR for blogger platform,designed by my Husband Sendhil kumar. This tool has more features than the standard blogger editor like addition of tables,smileys,post tags (technorati) and the most important Recipe microdata support recommended by popular search engines like Google,Yahoo,Bing etc. As many of my budding blogger friends kept asking me about the blog editing tool i use for my blog,i thought of sharing this useful tool with u all. Please go through the below points for more detailed information. I am sure this tool will be much more useful and u can play with it to design ur blog posts in an attractive way.Please check out my Avocado milkshake recipe post in which i used this tool to publish the post.U’ll get some idea.Thanks for visiting this post.Please use this tool and let us know how u liked it ..
Use this link to go to the tool :
Check out this post on how to use this tool :
What is Blog Editor?
Blog Editor is an online blogger blog editing tool with recipe microdata support and better post editing capabilities.
What feature does this blog editor have that official blogger blog editor does not have? Why should I use this blog editor instead of the official blogger blog editor?
- Recipe microdata
- Custom templates (Use Template Designer to design your own templates)
- Post Tags (ex: Technorati tags)
- Time Duration (Cook Time, Prep Time, Total Time) in recommended format using a UI.
- Tables
- Horizontal line
- Special Characters (Copyright, registered, pound, euro, yen etc.)
- Smileys
- Anchor – Link within the page (Ex: You can create anchor links within posts for Go directly to ingredient, Go directly instructions, Go directly nutrition information)
- Indent / Outdent
- Nested Lists using indent
- Find / Replace Text
- Subscript, Superscript support
- Insert div container
- And a few more, try all the toolbar buttons / controls
Thanks 🙂
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